Jogging Through January


Hey loves, welcome to the first instalment of my new blog series, where I will be sharing monthly recaps from my brain dump journal. I have decided to move my monthly brain dumps from Instagram stories to a bigger platform. As someone who is constantly processing thoughts, ideas, and experiences, journaling has been an invaluable practice for me to get everything out of my head and onto the pages. This practice is my ultimate act of self-care.

This blog will not only be about monthly brain dumps, but it will also include other important topics such as wellness, mindfulness, and personal growth. It will be a great space for us to grow together. I'm excited to dive into my January journal entries and reflect on how the first month of the new year unfolded for me. My brain dump journal is a space where I can freely write without structure or judgment, allowing me to better understand myself and work through any challenges I'm facing. I hope that by sharing these insights, it might inspire you to start a journaling practice of your own.

Jogging Through January

This month started off on a high note. I was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ringing in the New Year, which was a dream come true. As a small-town girl, I always feel a sense of excitement and wonder when I get to explore new places. During the first few days of January, I was already diving into new, exciting projects, which opened a floodgate of brilliant ideas for the small business I've been working hard on for the past year. I don't know if it's the hopefulness that comes with the start of a new year, but I just felt this rush of confidence and self-assurance that I had never experienced before.

However, about halfway through the month, I hit a bit of a wall. The initial excitement started to wear off, and I found it difficult to balance my 9-to-5 job with my other personal projects. I found myself feeling overwhelmed by my growing list of responsibilities. My journal entries during this time reflect a lot of stress, self-doubt, and an overall feeling of exhaustion.

Thankfully, I was able to get back on track towards the end of January. Thanks to the Lunar New Year holidays, I finally took some time for self-reflection and came up with a plan to better prioritize tasks and practice more self-care. This included outfit planning, finding cozy coffee shops, cooking my favorite meals, connecting with my loved ones, and doing more activities that bring me joy, like taking photos and reading.

Lessons Learned

1. If I want to reach and get to where I want to be, I might have to let go of my habits of comfort. Growth and progress often require stepping outside of our familiar routines and leaving behind the comforts of our current circumstances. Challenging ourselves to adopt new habits and behaviors, even if they feel uncomfortable at first, is often necessary to achieve our goals and reach new levels of success.

2. I need to find a balance between being kind to myself and pushing myself enough to reach my goals. It's important to maintain self-compassion and avoid being overly harsh on ourselves. However, we also can't let that self-kindness become an excuse for complacency. The key is striking the right balance - being supportive and understanding of ourselves, while also challenging and motivating ourselves to put in the necessary effort and hard work.

3. Nobody is watching you like you are watching yourself. It's easy to get caught up in worrying about how others perceive us, but the reality is that most people are far more focused on their own lives and concerns. The harshest critic is often ourselves. Recognizing this can help free us from the prison of self-judgment and allow us to pursue our goals with more courage and confidence.

4. I need to network more and put myself out there, rather than hiding my skills and abilities. Building meaningful connections and letting others know about our talents and experience is crucial for unlocking new opportunities. Networking allows us to learn from others, find mentors, and potentially collaborate in ways that can accelerate our progress. Overcoming the tendency to stay in the shadows and instead proactively sharing our values with the world is an important step.

Looking Ahead to February

I’m super excited to move into the new month. I’m setting clear intentions for February, which will ultimately set the tone for the entire month. I plan to be more intentional about scheduling regular journaling sessions, even if it’s just 10-15 minutes per day. I’ve also decided to incorporate more creative exercises into my brain dumps, like drawing, collaging, or even poetry writing.

As the weather starts to get warmer, I hope to take that as an opportunity to go out more and embrace the beautiful nature around me. I will be incorporating the lessons I learned in January into my daily life.


Journaling has become an indispensable part of my life, and I’m grateful to have this space to process my thoughts and experiences. I hope that by sharing my January recap, it has inspired you to consider starting a journaling practice of your own. Even just a few minutes a day can make a world of difference.

If you do decide to join me on this journaling journey, I’d love to hear about your experiences. Feel free to reach out anytime, and stay tuned for my February wrap-up next month!


Less-Than-Fab February